Monday, 8 October 2012

Weekend Update

You'll have to excuse my tardiness on my posts today. It's Canadian thanks giving and even though we celebrated yesterday, I've had the day off and am feeling much too lazy to do anything.

Friday Jordan and I ate dinner and then had a little Dairy Queen date before we went our seperate ways for the night. He went out with the boys and I went to my friends pre-drink and then to the bar. It was so fun but I chose to be DD so the bar was kind of hard to handle when the music was so incredibly loud and people were just plain drunk. 

Saturday I spent the morning making pies with my mom. I am beyond obsessed with how they turned out. I feel like I should have gone to culinary school or something because damn can I impress myself (sometimes!) I had dinner with Jordan and then he drove me, Erika and Shauna to Oktoberfest. We met up with lots of Shauna's friends from Toronto and danced and drank the night away. Amazing. 

Sunday I had to write a whole paper during my hangover. Oh boy, I did not feel good. Could have been the McDonald's run we had at 2am or the fact that I woke up clutching a chocolate bar with another wrapper in my bed. Not one of my finer moments but I got what I needed to get done and then waited for delicious turkey. OH MAN does my momma know how to cook! Me and Jordan spent the night watching the Walking Dead and scary movies.

Today Jordan and I lazed around ALL DAY. It was wonderful. We watched Band of Brothers while I worked on his scarf. Perfect day. I came home after dinner to get back to the real world. I cleaned my entire apartment very thoroughly and now I'm sitting with a giant pile of books next to me, trying to avoid the fact that I have one test and one midterm this week. Crap. Maybe I'll put it off a little longer, just until tomorrow. 

I'll stop typing now. I'm sure you've had your fill of my life by now. Happy Monday my friends and know that I am thankful for anyone out there who takes the time to read my little old blog.


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