Obsessing over: Halloween. It's my favourite holiday and it's today! Why is it so great? 1)you can dress up however you want! You can be glamorous, silly, scary! Sometimes it's fun just to ham it up for a while. 2) Usually there's some drinking involved and you get to see your friends. 3) CANDY! And finally 4) No gifts! I know this sounds so weird but I hate birthdays because I find it really akward to get gifts when you do nothing for anyone in return. Seriously, all that attention gives me anxiety. It's weird and it's something I've developed over the years. Christmas is good because I'm not the only one getting gifts but it also is a serious bank breaker. THAT is why Halloween is so great. No stress, just fun! Scary movies, fun constumes, delicious treats. It's just the best.
Working on: what else but school work!? I have to do a quiz tonight and a paper tomorrow and then I'm home free! I was incredibly productive yesterday...I even surprised myself but it was the kind of productive that can only be accomplished when you've set aside the ENTIRE day to read and relax. I wish I could get a lot done on days when I can actually make time to see people but if I want to be productive apparently I need a whole day and a lot of breaks.
Thinking about: Montreal. OH BOY I am very excited. I just love a little advernture. Road trips are so fun and Montreal always gives me a little feeling like we're in Europe. All I can hope is that I don't spend too much money this weekend but no promises.
Feeling: a wee bit bummed because Halloween just isn't the same this year. What kind of holiday falls on a Wednesday? It's really screwed me up. I also have class until 8:30 tonight so that kind of takes all the fun out of the night and I'm not dressing up because...there's no point. How unfortunate. I must make it a point to put on Rocky Horror Picture Show tonight. Something has to happen to ring in this holiday.
Wishing for: everyone who has been effected by Hurricane Sandy to be brought some good luck during this hard time. I know I complain a lot on this blog (I really should tone it down) but I just try to share how I'm feeling and what my mind set is each day but I need to remember that my insignificant little problems about school and lack of sleep are nothing compared to what others are going through. Everyone who has been effected by the Hurricane is in my thoughts and prayers and I hope everyone can use this as a lesson of what we should be thankful for. I know I will.
Happy Halloween!!!!
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