Tuesday, 26 March 2013


As I've been going through some emotional turmoil the last couple of days I've been looking for some reassurance. Here's some quotes I found on my pinterest board that felt pretty relevant:

 I think the last one is my favourite. My dreams do scare me and I do find myself comparing my life to others. I picture my life a certain way and if it doesn't live up to that standard I feel like a failure. I know there's nothing I can do about having to go back in the fall and therefore graduate next June, but I just feel like it totally changes all of my plans. I worked so hard over these four years. I didn't go back to highschool for a victory lap. I pushed through my second semester at Carleton because I refused to quit because I knew I wanted to graduate in four years. Now it all seems a bit wasted.

Luckily I have an incredibly amazing best friend at my side. Erika knew I was bummed and talked to me last night. We've been talking about moving to Toronto. It's been my dream forever to live in a big city and I've been feeling it slip away lately. Erika said we should go no matter what. I should look for a job or an internship and take that final class at night. I completely agree. This is the only time in my life when I'll get the chance to live with my best friend. I need to take it. One day I'm going to settle down and I may not want to be in the city. If I don't go I may regret it. She got me really excited and I immediately sent out two resumes. I really just need a job in the city and I'll be set. It's hard job searching but I know if I just keep putting my resume out there that I'll have to get something and then we can make this dream come true.

The best part of all of this is how supportive Jordan has been. Everytime I throw a crazy idea out there like running off to Europe by myself, or moving to Toronto or spending a year working part time, he completely supports it. He's amazing. It's so nice knowing that he's behind me in this and supports me even if it does mean having his girlfriend move an hour away for who knows how long. I love having a relationship that is strong and supportive. Just another thing I have to be thankful for.

So while I'm still feeling a bit nervous and lost, I'm now feeling a glimmer of hope on the horizon. I'm so glad I have people around me who want to help me make my dreams come true. I can't wait to set them into action.


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