Monday, 17 December 2012

Weekend Update

I wish I could tell you that I've been an incredibly interesting person lately...but I havent. Woops.

Friday was mine and Jordan's 3 year anniversay (woah...that went quick). We went out for a nice dinner in our fancy clothes and then came home to snuggle on the couch and watch some movies. Perfecto. It was especially nice because I handed it a take-home that morning so I was feeling a bit less stressed. I also got a haircut on Friday. I was SICK of my deadzo ends so I got them lopped off. A good couple of inches came off. I'm missing it a bit already but my hair feels so healthy so I can't realllyyy complain.

Saturday Iwoke up and got my butt on the treadmill. I had to work Friday night's dinner off and me and my sister were planning on going bathing suit shopping so it felt very necessary. After my workout I went shopping with my sister. I got a new pair of jeans, finished up my Christmas shopping and  got two new pairs of bathing suit bottoms. It's good to know I'm done all my money spending for now. In the evening Jordan and I made some dinner and sat down to watch Seeking a Friend at the End of the World while I made place cards for my mom. Aren't the pretty!? The movie was so good! We laughed so hard and I cried at the end. Jordan even said he almost shed a tear. It was probably one of the most beautiful endings I've ever seen. I'ts a bit of an odd movie but so so good.

Yesterday me, Jordan, my sister and her husband went to visit my grandma on my dad's side. We wont see her again before we leave for our cruise (this friday!!) so we exchanged gifts. It was wonderful. Afterwards we went to my house because my mom was holding the Christmas dinner for her side of the family. I've never been SO full in my entire life! NEVER. We got all of our gifts from my grandparents and aunt and I got a very pretty dress from my mom and David for the cruise. Very excited.

Today is going to be a longggg day. I'm working until 3:30, after which I have to go immediately to the library to write a ten page paper. The outline is all done so now I just have to type it up but it's going to take forever and I just plain don't wanna do it! It's my very last thing I need to finish exams though so of course I'll push through. It's nice to think that by about 10pm tonight I will be free. HOORAY!

Alright kids. Back to work.


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