Thursday, 1 November 2012

The Last Hurdle Before Montreal

Hey y'all. Guess what? Tomorrow is the day!! Montreal day! WOOOT.

Before I can get excited that I have to write 1,250 words of nonsense for my Critical Advertising class and I have yet to start. I woke up bright and early this morning (8am) to say goodbye to my mom and stepdad. Those two lucky ducks are off to Niagara Falls for the night and then they get to fly to Missouri. I wish I could go! They are going to Chelsea and Sam's baby shower. SO sad I won't get to see Chelsea at her biggest and get to see how excited Sam is about his future little girl but such is life. Anyways, I rolled around in bed for about an hour telling myself I would get up around 9:30 but instead fell asleep and then couldn't get myself up until 11.

I am currently at the library trying to get the inspirational juices flowing. I just realllyyy don't want to do this damn paper. Five whole pages on some stupid ad I have yet to even decide on. Prof! Why do you do this to me? (I get a little dramatic sometimes when I'm staring a deadline right in the face).

I just have to remember that a few hours here and it will be done and then I can pack and get myself ready for an exciting weekend! I'll make sure to take a lot of pictures in our beautiful french-speaking province.

Wish me luck my friends!


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