Thursday, 31 October 2013



What…of course I'm going to post the second it turns to Halloween. I'm devoted!

I won't even be doing anything Halloween, I just love this holiday. It's got such an eery and amazing essence to it.

I went out last weekend for Halloween and I was a bunny:

Erika was Belle from Beauty and the Beast. No one knew what I was…someone thought I was a dog, someone thought I was a coyote. It was very upsetting. I guess I'll just have to be more creative next year.

For now I will be spamming you with amazing Halloween stuff! Check it:

They say that Halloween is a day when the dead are free to walk to Earth tomorrow. Maybe you'll be lucky and get to meet a ghost :)


Monday, 28 October 2013

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

One Song, Two Ways

I have an obsession with finding different versions of songs. If I fall in love with a song then I want to hear it accoustic, faster, slower, remixed...everything. It gives you a new way to fall in love with a song.

This is a song that I've been obsessed with lately:
Please ignore the random video made by some random youtube uploader.

I first heard this song when I was watching Whip It and forgot about it until last week when I looked it up on and then proceeded to play it on repeat. 

Then, while looking it up on youtube I found this:

This acoustic version features Alia Shawkat who is also in the movie with the singer Landon Pigg. Basically a Whip It reunion a la youtube.

Right now I'm pretty obsessed with the acoustic version but I suggest falling in love with the original first. 

Enjoy my little piece of musical happiness that I've dropped on you today!


Monday, 21 October 2013


Halloween is coming very very very soon! I don't have a costume! I'm thinking of being a lame and stereotypical girl and just throwing some animal ears on and donning all black. I'm basically putting my favourite holiday to shame but hey...I'm cheap.


Secret of the Week

xo Taylor 

Sunday, 20 October 2013


A weekend...what is that again? I think I vaguely remember what a weekend is...I think it's one of those things that lucky people get to enjoy. Me? No, I don't get to enjoy the weekend you speak of. I work instead.

Since I've got two jobs now... a day job and a part time job, I now get to spend the weekends selling bras to people. Doesn't that sound like fun? Well, I guess it can be. I get to work with some fun girls and I run around a lot (instead of parking my butt on the couch all weekend) and I get to make money!

All through high school (and in second year of university) I had a part time job and was very used to working weekends. I remember once seeing someone my age come into my work and thinking "Why aren't they working today? What do you do with your weekend if you're not working?" Yeah...that's how accustomed I'd come to working weekends. For the last two years I haven't worked a single weekend and that suited me just fine. Now, I'm back to my old ways.

The thing I've now noticed is that I savour the parts of the weekend that I do get to enjoy. Saturday I worked from 8:30am-12:30pm and had the whole afternoon and night! When I got home from work I really soaked up my Saturday afternoon. I drank coffee, cuddled up in a warm sweater and hung out in bed watching Netflix. It was pretty awesome. It was like I forgot how awesome weekends were. Silly me.

So the moral of this story is that having something taken away from me only made me appreciate it more. Ain't that just the way of the world?

You better believe that the fact that I've been off work since 5:30 tonight means that I've been living it up Sunday night style as well. Hooray for the little things.


Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Fall Traditions

1. The beautiful farm we went to to pick pumpkins. They also have corn every year. I've been eating their corn since I was a little girl. Their farm is very much a part of summer and fall to me.
2 &3. Picking out my pumpkin! I needed the purrrfect one to make a cat-o-lantern.
4. My little baby Jack-o-lantern. I love this cute little boy!
5 &6. I got to go apple picking yesterday with these silly guys. It was fun to run around picking apples, tasting them and just enjoying the beautiful Fall day!
7. Jordan and I showed off our artistic skills with our beautiful pumpkins. We even baked some pumpkin seeds too!

My favourite thing about all of these amazing Fall traditions has been the people I've been able to do them with. I'm so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life. I'm a very lucky girl.

Hope all of you Canadians had a happy a very FULL Thanksgiving. Don't worry my American friends, your time to stuff your bellies is coming!


Secret of the Week


Thursday, 10 October 2013

Sweater Weather

The weather is changing and I'm becoming more and more reluctant to put a t-shirt on. Now I'm starting to crave big comfy sweaters and warm, fluffy moccasins...even when we have an occasional warm day creep up on us. I got this new sweater at Forever 21 and I'm obsessed. It's the perfect chunky sweater. I wish I had endless amounts of money so I could go scoop up all of their big, slouchy, comfy sweaters.

The best part of fall are all of the wonderful traditions that come with it. There's apple picking, pumpkin carving, cider drinking, Oktoberfesting, Thanksgiving eating, Fall Fair visiting and so much more. The sad part is that fall always seems to slip away from me before I get a chance to do almost any of it. De-pressing.

I have been trying to bring more fall into our house though. I went around bringing out my Halloween decorations the other day. I've put baby pumpkins all around and I even baked some of these for me and my roommates:

They were so yummy and warm and fluffy and...drooolll. Luckily there's more in the freezer waiting for another chilly night when we're all lazing around on the couch. I'm a wonderful roommate like that.

Hopefully this weekend I can find some time to go apple picking maybe! It's Canadian Thanksgiving so I definitely know that I'll be able to get in some yummy fall foods like pumpkin pie! that I'm officially salivating all over my keyboard I should be going! I am working my Associate Editor job until 2, heading to work at La Senza at 3 and then heading home to my parents house right after that!

Happy fall days!


Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Little Visitors

Today we had a tiny little visitor in our apartment and boy was she cute. My roomate's friend is dogsitting and she had to work so my roommate offered to watch her for a while. This was the cutest little pup that I'd ever seen. Her name is Zoe and she is a half German Shepard/Half Golden Retriever. It was so fun to have her running around our apartment, playing tug of war with socks and cuddling on the couch.

I finally have a day off from La Senza but I have a presentation on Friday so I spent all night working on that. It's definitely coming along and I have tomorrow off so YAY!

I'm currently sitting on the couch next to Erika, sipping green tea and watching Grey's Anatomy season one. Ahh what a perfect way to end the night.

Well, good night my pals.


Monday, 7 October 2013


This is from one of my favourite shows: American Horror Story. The first season is a-maz-ing because of the guys above, Tate. I was pretty much obsessed with him. Sadly, the second season was no where near as amazing as the first but Evan Peters, the actor who plays Tate, was in the second season so I at least had that to keep me going. The new season starts this Wednesday! Is there anything better than watching horror movies (or shows) to get you in the mood for Halloween?

I am so tired today. I worked from 5pm until 1am last night at La Senza (which is like Victoria's Secret for all you people who aren't from Canada). We had to do a visual shift which is where you change all of the displays and move all of the merchandise around. It's always so hot and so tiring. I have to work 5pm until midnight tonight to do an inventory shift which is where people come in and count everything and generally mess up the store. Oh goody.

Have a happy Monday y'all!

Secret of the Week

I'm preparing a powerpoint for a presentation I have on Friday. When I was picking my topic I was so excited to talk about it. Now that I've gotten into the nitty gritty details it feels like all the fun is gone.


Friday, 4 October 2013


There's something wonderful about waking up before everyone else, making yourself a beautiful breakfast and having a few quiet moments before you have to jump into the hustle and bustle of the day. The reason these are so special is because I am in no way a morning person. I am and always have been a night owl. I was the kid who would pull all nighters and have my parents come into my room at 6am and yell at me to go to bed OR ELSE. It blows my mind that I've gotten myself down to an 11:30 bedtime now that I have to work every morning at 9am.

One semester in university I didn't have a class earlier than 1pm. Most of my classes didn't even start until the late afternoon or evening. For the entire semester I stayed up until 4am every night. I remember thinking at midnight every night that I still had so much time to do as I pleased. Now if someone texts me at midnight and I read it the next morning I think "sheesh, I was long gone by then."

I think that the reason I stayed awake so late was to get those moments that I now sometimes get in the morning (if I can pull myself awake early enough). After midnight you start entering a time when you're one of the only people awake and you tip toe around the house, enjoying the alone time.

I'll always be a night owl at heart but I am starting to enjoy the special days when I don't have to scramble to get myself ready before my days start. So here's to mornings and their sometimes mean, but always beautiful moments.


Wednesday, 2 October 2013


YAY! October is here! CAN YOU SAY EXCITED!?

Weirdly's hot outside, I'm wearing shorts right now and I have a cold. What a way to start off the most magical month. But I won't let that hold me back!

Without further adieu, here is the first official gif of giftober:

Is the song from this part playing through your head or what? Oh Beetlejuice...I loveee youuu! Also, this is the dance I did when I woke up on October if only I could learn to fly.

Happy October y'all!


Werk It Gurl

What have I been doing lately? Working. Working. Working...oh and more working. It's all I do now.

This weekend was a good one but a busy busy busy one. I went home for class on Friday and Jordan and I were back at my apartment by Saturday morning. We went to a Toronto Blue Jays game, went out for dinner and then came home to hang out with Erika and Jon for the evening.

Since then all I've done is work. I worked Sunday afternoon. Monday and yesterday I worked both of my jobs. Associate Editor by day, seller of bras by night. I have another on-call shift tonight so that means that there's the possibility that I'll be working from 6 to 10pm. I do love money, but I hope I don't work. I really need a night off. You can probably tell I need some time off by my lack of blogging this week. I'm just too busy :( Oh and next week? WORKING AT BASICALLY ALL TIMES. I guess money will be good and maybe I can make enough to get myself a new pair of boots, or maybe some lulu lemon pants...or maybe just pay off my visa (boooringg).

Anyways, I am still at work for my Associate Editor job right now. I'm working past my hours to catch up on stuff. But I'll stop complaining now...because this blog post is pretty useless but hey, maybe someone, somewhere wants to hear my nonsense...maybe.


Secret of the Week

Not gonna lie...I feel this too.
