The weather is changing and I'm becoming more and more reluctant to put a t-shirt on. Now I'm starting to crave big comfy sweaters and warm, fluffy moccasins...even when we have an occasional warm day creep up on us. I got this new sweater at Forever 21 and I'm obsessed. It's the perfect chunky sweater. I wish I had endless amounts of money so I could go scoop up all of their big, slouchy, comfy sweaters.
The best part of fall are all of the wonderful traditions that come with it. There's apple picking, pumpkin carving, cider drinking, Oktoberfesting, Thanksgiving eating, Fall Fair visiting and so much more. The sad part is that fall always seems to slip away from me before I get a chance to do almost any of it. De-pressing.
I have been trying to bring more fall into our house though. I went around bringing out my Halloween decorations the other day. I've put baby pumpkins all around and I even baked some of these for me and my roommates:
They were so yummy and warm and fluffy and...drooolll. Luckily there's more in the freezer waiting for another chilly night when we're all lazing around on the couch. I'm a wonderful roommate like that.
Hopefully this weekend I can find some time to go apple picking maybe! It's Canadian Thanksgiving so I definitely know that I'll be able to get in some yummy fall foods like pumpkin pie! that I'm officially salivating all over my keyboard I should be going! I am working my Associate Editor job until 2, heading to work at La Senza at 3 and then heading home to my parents house right after that!
Happy fall days!